The X-Ray

[Swamp Stories] 5. A Gerrymandering Tale You Haven't Heard

Episode Summary

“Politicians should not choose their voters.” That simple statement is at the heart of why no reform issue has gained more crosspartisan momentum in recent years than getting rid of so-called gerrymandering. But both parties have years of work and millions of dollars invested in drawing districts that benefit one team more than the other. Guests: Former Presidential Candidate & Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) Katie Fahey, Executive Director, The People Josh Silver, Executive Director, Represent.Us

Episode Notes

“Politicians should not choose their voters.” That simple statement is at the heart of why no reform issue has gained more crosspartisan momentum in recent years than getting rid of so-called gerrymandering. But both parties have years of work and millions of dollars invested in drawing districts that benefit one team more than the other.


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